Companion Diagnostics

Secure your companion diagnostic development

The move towards precision medicine has made companion diagnostics an increasingly critical step in drug development. With access to more and better data, pharma laboratories can determine next steps and develop tests in tandem with advances in their research and phase trials—saving time and resources, and generating more support data for efficacy within precisely defined populations.

The challenge 

Optimized treatments are at the heart of precision medicine and companion diagnostics.  But their timely development and use relies on our ability to find biomarkers and design tests for them. The development goes through several steps, from identifying signatures,  building predictors, testing and get regualtory approvals and finally deployment. Data from Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) is one important source making this possible. A process as well as a suite of tools are required to meet the time to market requirements. 

A trio of solutions

The trio of Qlucore solutions (Qlucore Omics Explorer, Qlucore Insights and Qlucore Diagnostics) is the foundation for fast and efficient development of companion diagnostics solutions. Combined, they enable the plug-in of disease-specific models with customized machine learning (AI-based) classifiers, that for instance reports and visualize classifications of gene expression signatures and gene fusions. Models for multi-omics data can be developed and easily be added or replaced as needed. The intelligence, flexibility and dynamic visualization of the solution gives researchers a powerful tool for subtype classification, analysis, validation and custom reporting, supporting the progress of companion diagnostics solutions in tandem with drug development.

Future proof solution

As an example among many types of data - a test based on full transcriptome data is more versatile than one based on a limited set of genes. Classifier development using full transcriptome data increases the flexibility and in the end potentially the reliability.

A lab implementation using software and standard RNA-seq data enables multiple companion diagnostic tests using the same original sample data. Further, using standard data ensures compatibility with new learnings; re-trained and re-validated classification models with new findings are easy to deploy.

In other words, Qlucore’s solution for companion diagnostics is flexible and future proof. This is important to protect your investments in this fast-moving field, see example on gene fusion based approved therapies. A panel limited to cover the relevant fusion genes at a certain time-point will soon be outdated.

Qlucore Diagnostics

The accumulated number of gene fusions with accompanying EMA approved therapies over time.

Next step

At Qlucore we have the expertise and solutions to collaborate and develop companion diagnostics solutions. Reach out we start the discussions

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